"Jon 'maddog' Hall" <mad...@li.org> writes:
> I am writing an article for the Linux Foundation about the "10 Hot New
> OSS Projects", but because I have a warped and twisted view of things in
> the world, I know that my ideas* of "Hot, New OSS Projects" may be a lot
> different than many other people's ideas.
> Plus, I have no idea exactly what they mean by "New" or "Hot".  I will
> assume that emacs is not "new", but some project that was started on
> March 31st may not have had time to be "Hot" yet.  On the other hand,
> not having any real idea of what they mean does give a certain amount of
> leeway.

Any idea what they mean by "OSS project"? :)

Now, I'm serious: are they looking for software projects that *are*
Open Source *Software*, or hardware projects that *use* OSS, or what?
(Linux Journal, for example, specifically asked for hardware projects
 when they called for `Cool Projects' articles, last year).

Do I submit the TouchBook, or its OS? OpenPandora, or libpnd?

Are they looking for software that they might want to include in MeeGo,
or hardware into which they might be able to convince people to put MeeGo?

Are they looking for `projects that people are doing' (somewhere out there)
or `projects that you can do' (e.g.: `DIY automated Linux vacuum-cleaner')?

Do they want community-driven projects, or company-driven projects (e.g.:
Lemote's Yeeloong & Linloon `computers with 100% FOSS down to boot-PROMs')?

Do they want technical projects (e.g.: everything above), or social ones
(e.g.: Linux Against Poverty)?

Maybe this should all be transparent, but you went and un-defined
2 out of 4 words..., and now I'm getting fuzzy on the remainder... :)

"Don't be afraid to ask (λf.((λx.xx) (λr.f(rr))))."

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