> Any idea what they mean by "OSS project"? :)
> Now, I'm serious: are they looking for software projects that *are*
> Open Source *Software*, or hardware projects that *use* OSS, or what?
> (Linux Journal, for example, specifically asked for hardware projects
>  when they called for `Cool Projects' articles, last year).
No problem...all good questions below...

I would say, in general, they are looking for software projects that you
might pull down from SourceForge and find useful on your netbook,
laptop, desktop or server.

The hardware that it runs on does not *have* to be completely open, but
it would be nice if it was.
> Do I submit the TouchBook, or its OS? OpenPandora, or libpnd?
> Are they looking for software that they might want to include in
> MeeGo,
> or hardware into which they might be able to convince people to put
> MeeGo?
That would be smiled upon.
> Are they looking for `projects that people are doing' (somewhere out
> there)
> or `projects that you can do' (e.g.: `DIY automated Linux
> vacuum-cleaner')?
I think less of the DIY stuff, but if something knocks your socks off,
why not?
> Do they want community-driven projects, or company-driven projects
> (e.g.:
> Lemote's Yeeloong & Linloon `computers with 100% FOSS down to
> boot-PROMs')?
Yes. :-)
> Do they want technical projects (e.g.: everything above), or social
> ones
> (e.g.: Linux Against Poverty)?
"Linux Against Poverty" That might be cool too!

> Maybe this should all be transparent, but you went and un-defined
> 2 out of 4 words..., and now I'm getting fuzzy on the remainder... :)
And I welcome the fuzziness.  Fuzziness to some people is enlightenment
to others.

Warmest regards,


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