On Fri, May 7, 2010 at 4:42 PM, Greg Rundlett (freephile)
<g...@freephile.com> wrote:
> Just curious if there will be a meeting on Monday at SLUG?  If so, is there
> a topic or is it more of a round-table meeting?

  One thing I've been wondering about lately is if the focus on "topic
of the month" is actually hurting GNHLUG in the long run.

  The implicit modus operandi seems to be that we have to have a fancy
topic in order to have a meeting.  Why should Linux fans have to have
a pre-arranged topic to meet?  I know nobody thinks we actually *have*
to, but nonetheless, meetings without a topic tend to have hugely
lower attendance.  It seems reasonable to suppose that since "no
topic" is unusual, that's treated as reason to skip the meeting, since
if the meeting was good it would have a topic.

  I'm told that in some other LUGs, it's the norm to just gather to
help each other and network (people networking, not computer

  What do others think?

-- Ben

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