>1) You can't have a beer at Morse Hall.

As odd as this sounds coming from me, I feel that having beer at the
event itself is bad for two reasons:

- underage people may feel awkward or unwanted
- there are various people who are not drinkers and don't want to
associate with people drinking, or have their under-age children
associating at an event where alcohol is consumed.

I am less concerned with the second group than the first one.

Having beer before the event (as at dinner) or after the event (as in
downstairs at Martha's) is of course anyone's prerogative, but I often
felt ill at ease with having beer at the meetings at Martha's when there
were underage people there.

Y'all know I drink, so "demon rum" is not the issue with me, but making
others uncomfortable at a FOSS event is an issue.

My two cents.


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