On 06/10/2010 02:35 PM, kenta wrote:
> Why not use fwcutter? I used it recently with Ubuntu 10 .04 on an
> aging Dell laptop (I don't remember the model, but it was about an 2
> inch thick brick of a laptop). It too had a Broadcomm chip based
> wireless adapter and.... after an apt-get and hitting "OK" a few times
> I was on 'net in under 5 minutes.
> The alternative for broadcom's seems to be to setup NDISWRAPPER with
> the windows driver which takes some additional time. If my memory
> serves me correctly, a lot more of a hassle.
As I mentioned, the Ubuntu version of b43_fwcutter package will
automatically prompt you to download the firmware, but other distros do
not. What fwcutter does is to cut out the firmware from the windows
driver and with the appropriate options place it into
/lib/modules/<kernel version/kernel/drivers/firmware.

If you take a look at dmesg, you will see that the b43 driver fails
because the firmware has not been loaded.

Jerry Feldman <g...@blu.org>
Boston Linux and Unix
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