On Fri, Jan 28, 2011 at 11:10 AM, Ed Robbins <e...@erobbins.com> wrote:
> We started bumping into this over the Christmas break.  We streamed
> Netflix everyday, all day long and I was surprised to see how much
> bandwidth we where chewing through.  The kicker was the snow days that
> lasted into the beginning of January, in one week we used up 30% of the
> 250gb cap.  Knowing that I want to get rid of cable TV and seeing the
> writing on the wall, I switched over to Comcast business class, which
> doesn't have a bandwidth limit.

  At maximum quality, which the server defaults to, Netflix streams at
4.8Mbps, which would lead to 2.1 gigs per hour of streamed content.
I'm not sure where the 'bottom' is, the 4.8 is the starting point for
'max quality', and they downshift based on how much data they can
actually get to you fast.

-- Thomas

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