On Fri, Apr 8, 2011 at 2:08 PM, Jon 'maddog' Hall <mad...@li.org> wrote:
>>The answer doesn't scale.
> Sorry, it scaled with the information you gave me.

  John, *you* provided the information that everyone should always be
trying to inovate.  If I misunderstood your point, my bad.  My point
is, when I have a junior engineer writing the database backend using
Java, I'm going to ask that he uses JDBC, and not some 'new, open
sourced NoSQL database engine'.  Because I don't have a requirement
that cannot be met with the tools at hand.  And yes, I have that exact
situation, and it annoys them to no end that it's using Derby, and not
MS SQL Server embedded.

> o First of all, I am talking about 1995...so that was about sixteen
> years ago.  Even if one woman's life was saved in those sixteen years,
> it was worth it in my book.

  And *that* innovation was worth it.  The point is, writing something
in perl to parse some data as opposed to C# is *NOT INNOVATIVE*.

> o Secondly, part of the problem was to decompose the program, which
> allows it to run well on your quad-core Xeon
> You asked a question, I gave an answer.

  The question is, do you want something which is straitforward
implemented a billion different ways for no other reason then to have
everyone have a different solution.

-- Thomas

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