Yes, I had an onsite (Mountain view) interview with them a few years ago
and I was there for nearly 6 hours. There were a couple of tricky
algorithmic questions to answer, and what they said was that they weren't
necessarily looking to solve the problem, but they were more looking for
the thought processes involved in looking for a solution. The strangest
part was it turned out that the group I interviewed with was not the 1st
group that I had interviewed with, so I was a little confused as to why
they had asked me certain questions, which fortunately I was able to
answer, but still felt a little odd at the time. It was after speaking to
the recruiter later that eased my slight confusion.

However, like you, my language skills are deep but not wide, more into
assembler and C, and virtually non-existent knowledge of any of the OOP or
scripting languages, but that wasn't a problem, as long as you don't try to
B.S. you should be fine.

Hope that helps if you have any specific questions, I will try to answer.
and no I didn't get the job, but as I said, the interviewers were looking
for a slightly different skill-set from mine.


On Mon, Apr 1, 2013 at 8:05 PM, David Rysdam <> wrote:

> Out of the blue, Google contacted me this weekend and wanted an
> interview today. My first thought was April Fools, but it seems to have
> been legit.
> I passed the first round, which leads me to my question: Has anyone else
> here been to the second round of Google interviews? Is it as tediously
> grueling as their "guide" docs makes it sound? You have to know a lot
> about specific languages (Python and C, in my case, as I know basically
> naught of Java and Perl and only the parts of C++ that are C) and
> there's all kinds of "puzzle" hoops to jump through?
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