Alan Johnson <> writes:
> IIRC, and my info is several years old at best, does not quite
> work like that.  They are an aggregator that posts your resume on other job
> boards and maintain their own internal database as well.  If you were
> getting lame resumes from, I would expect the problem was with
> whoever was using the tool and sending them to you rather than the tool
> itself.  Most of these tools take some specialized skills on the recruiting
> side to get the search terms right but even then you run the risk of
> nursing students listing IT skills that could create some strange results.
> A clueful recruiter should filter those out before sending them along.

I have no idea how Indeed works or if there even was a recruiter
involved. I just know that the entire group of us can now say "it's from" and we just laugh and move to the next resume.
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