Hubspot? zohoCRM?   just a couple of reccos.

Good luck!


On Mon, Nov 28, 2022 at 10:32 AM Ken D'Ambrosio <> wrote:

> Hey, all.  My wife's taken a new(ish) job, and is the tech pubs manager
> at a company in upstate NY.  (She's 100% WFH with occasional visits to
> company offices.)  And they really need a way that "customers" -- both
> internal and for-real paying customers -- can interact with their
> documentation, access files, and file tickets.  Salesforce is the biggie
> here in CRM-land, of course, but it costs a boatload, and, for what she,
> specifically, is doing, is likely overkill.  If you've had exposure to a
> CRM solution, AND a vendor that can offer support, I'd be happy to pass
> suggestions on.  Open Source is winning, but the key "feature" is
> someone who can hand-hold during install, and be available post-install.
> Thanks!
> -Ken
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