We use KnowledgeOwl and Atlassian Confluence.for our dev/product
documentation, wiki and knowledge base.
Confluence is easily integrated with Jira if they currently use Jira for
software development.
KnowledgeOwl is good at publishing docs for public or private consumption.
Neither is OpenSource but they are convenient and easy to use.

I hate to mention it because I loathe MS Sharepoint with much passion -but-
SP is probably a quick solution if they already pay for O365.

-- Joel

On Mon, Nov 28, 2022 at 10:34 AM jsf <jfree...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hubspot? zohoCRM?   just a couple of reccos.
> Good luck!
> J.
> On Mon, Nov 28, 2022 at 10:32 AM Ken D'Ambrosio <k...@jots.org> wrote:
>> Hey, all.  My wife's taken a new(ish) job, and is the tech pubs manager
>> at a company in upstate NY.  (She's 100% WFH with occasional visits to
>> company offices.)  And they really need a way that "customers" -- both
>> internal and for-real paying customers -- can interact with their
>> documentation, access files, and file tickets.  Salesforce is the biggie
>> here in CRM-land, of course, but it costs a boatload, and, for what she,
>> specifically, is doing, is likely overkill.  If you've had exposure to a
>> CRM solution, AND a vendor that can offer support, I'd be happy to pass
>> suggestions on.  Open Source is winning, but the key "feature" is
>> someone who can hand-hold during install, and be available post-install.
>> Thanks!
>> -Ken
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