On Fri, 2022-12-30 at 17:14 -0500, Benjamin Scott wrote:
> There's also something to be said for paying to make it somebody
> else's problem.  I don't think that's the right solution for me, due
> to reasons including budget, as well as a desire to keep things "in-
> house" so I know what's going on.  Part of the reason I do this is so
> I know how.


"There are several email service providers (ESP) that can act as relay
host. Some charge a little fee, some offer free quotas every month. In
this article, I’d like to show you how to use Sendinblue, which is an
email service provider that allows you to send 300 emails per day for

The rest of the piece covers setting up the relay service. I did not
get the authorization working with sendinblue (an old 18.04 Ubuntu
server on digital ocean). I wound up relaying through my home Internet
connection which is far from ideal, but my email volume is tiny.

Also setting up SPF, DKIM and dmarc seemed to make a difference in the
reliability of the email delivery. The dmarc reports also showed
evidence of spoofed emails using my venix.com domain. I think those
spoofed emails are now reliably reported as spam.

I'm not sure if sendinblue is a reasonable solution for you.

Lloyd Kvam
5 Foliage View
Lebanon, NH 03766

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