On Apr 30 at 5:41am, Jon maddog Hall wrote:
The fairgrounds opens for "normal people" at 0900 on Friday ...

  What about me?

  Sorry about my recent silence here; I was dead for a bit.  (I got better.)

I've managed to get Friday off from work, so I expect I'll be arriving around 9ish, plus or minus an hour. (More likely plus then minus.) I'll bring my usual collection of hardware: Tower, CRT, UPS, Ethernet, CD blanks, etc. I'll also bring some folding chairs and a small table, and whatever else I find in my junk collection that I think might be useful.

My mobile phone is 978-423-0433 if anyone cares. It's also that if you don't care. Note that this is very similar to my last mobile phone number. I'm supporting the conservation of phone digits.

  Clear skies!

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