BUG has been around for a while. I remember it from my short stint as
GNHLUG leader. I think it even goes back to the days of NNEUUG.

It was supposed to be an organization which could help User Groups
coordinate activities (like inter-group meetings and events), but I
don't think it went anywhere. I believe Jerry Feldman was active in it a
few years ago.


Bill McGonigle wrote:
> Anybody else get this?
> -Bill
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject:      First General letter to All Leaders Affiliated to Boston User
> Groups
> Date:         Mon, 05 Jan 2009 19:26:43 GMT
> From:         Ronald Thibeau <ronald.thib...@bostonusergroups.org>
> To:   <lead...@bostonusergroups.org>
> Hello User Group Leaders,
> Boston User Groups called BUG, an umbrella organization, is focused on
> organizing and sustaining any digital technology User Group, through
> advice and services some of which can be on site. BUG management is
> composed of volunteers from the “leaders’ list”. We volunteer time as we
> are able. We are ordinary people with a heart for service. We can always
> use more help.
> We provide a web site http://www.bostonusergroups.org
> <http://www.bostonusergroups.org/> . We have On Line for about six
> months. The site will always be a work in progress.
> User Group meetings, special events etc, are posted on the calendar. In
> due time, each leader who wishes to do so, can maintain his information.
> Posting commercials or head hunter advertisement etc. that is NOT user
> group activity will not be allowed on the site.
> One service that all listed leaders can use right now is the ‘’leaders’
> list’’ service. If you have an event that you want to tell the world
> about, then prepare a good looking advertisement that is accurate and
> send it out to lead...@bostonusergroups.org
> <mailto:lead...@bostonusergroups.org> . If you want the same
> advertisement to post on the BUG calendar, send your data to
> john.r...@bostonusergroups.org <mailto:john.r...@bostonusergroups.org>
> for posting. Note: if any leader wishes to post a question to solve a
> User Group Issue, please be free to post your question.
> As we use the leaders’ list service for each other, it is hopeful that
> we benefit by educating many more end users in technology and best
> practices and to promote competence in our trade.* SO*, everyone should
> now be looking for and expect this ‘leaders’ list’ channel to flow
> timely and accurate User Group special events. All other information can
> be found on the BUG site. If you don’t see it or it’s wrong, then write
> john.r...@bostonusergroups.org <mailto:john.r...@bostonusergroups.org>
> to get it corrected.
> We are interested in filling a few spots on the BUG board of directors.
> Some have an elected office and some contribute on special projects. So,
> any person wishing to serve a technical community can write me directly
> ronald.thib...@bostonusergroups.org
> <mailto:ronald.thib...@bostonusergroups.org>.
> We have face to face meetings on occasion based on complexity or
> importance. We frequently telephone conference to save travel time and
> money for each other. We call meetings based on necessity. Operational
> issues are usually handled by e-mail. We have e-mail traffic going all
> the time.
> If you know of other digital technology user group leaders, please pass
> on our introductory statement of purpose.
> More statements on our general activity and more services provided to
> follow in the weeks ahead. Please avail yourself of our service and get
> the word out on your activities.
> Come see what is going on at the BUG community.
> http://www.bostonusergroups.org <http://www.bostonusergroups.org/> .
> Yours in service
> Ronald Thibeau

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