This has me thinking (a dangerous thing indeed).  I still love some of the
older DOS / Win 3.x games.  In the next couple weeks I hope to find time to
load up gnome on my Debian box (I've only run command line linux so far),
and would love to put some of those games over there as well.  I have heard
there are some emulators out there, but I don't know if there is one that
stands above the rest.  If it matters, the games I'm thinking of most are
X-Com (original), Pirates Gold and Wingcommander Privateer.

On a side note, does anyone know of any projects out there which hope to
eventually allow games requiring DirectX to run under a linux gui?

- Larry Tilly

        -----Original Message-----
        From:   Benjamin Scott [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
        Sent:   Tuesday, January 02, 2001 4:27 PM
        To:     Greater NH Linux Users' Group
        Subject:        Nostalgia (was: New distribution?)

        On Sat, 30 Dec 2000, Derek D. Martin wrote:
        > Anybody download Doom shareware on 4 floppies from your local BBS?
        > realize that your little 386 with 1MB wasn't machine enough to run

          Heh heh heh.  A friend and I spent several days downloading Doom
over 2400
        BPS modems when it came out.  I split my half up onto 360 KB
floppies (all I
        could use at the time) and sneakernet'ed it to his house.  We were
then amazed
        that his fairly hefty 16 MHz 286 with four whole megabytes of RAM
couldn't run

          I still fondly remember playing Duke Nukem and Commander Keen in
16 color
        EGA.  :-)

        Ben Scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        Net Technologies, Inc. <>
        Voice: (800)905-3049 x18   Fax: (978)499-7839

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