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At some point hitherto, Rich C hath spake thusly:
> I have found this to  be the case with my setup, but I thought it was
> due to my SMC router. When I set up a virtual host in the router to
> route http port 80 to my internal machine (192.168.1.x) port 80, the web
> site is NOT visible from inside the network, but it IS visible to people
> outside.

I believe what causes this is that the router forwards the source IP
and port (that of the client) to the virtual host as-is (i.e. it does
not NAT the client).  Since the IP address is internal, the server
sends the traffic to it directly, rather than back through the router.
The client is expecting a reply from www.myhost.com, but the return
traffic appears to come from 192.168.x.x instead of www.myhost.com, so
the IP stack throws it out.

If you want to test it from inside your network, you can use an open
proxy on someone else's network.  If you don't know of any (I don't),
then try surfing to it with anonymizer.com.  I can't test it easily
here, but I believe that will work.

- -- 
Derek Martin               [EMAIL PROTECTED]    
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