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At some point hitherto, [EMAIL PROTECTED] hath spake thusly:
> On 25 Jun 2002, at 9:18am, Kevin D. Clark wrote:
> >>  Ever.  NFS's history of piss-poor file locking means a shared mailspool is
> >> a recipe for disaster in any kind of heterogeneous environment.
> > 
> > NFS file locking has gotten better over the years.
>   Right.  The problem is that not every OS release has kept pace, and that
> not every computer in the world is running an OS release that has kept pace.

Quite true, and a very good point.
> And, since this is a Linux list, and Linux for a long time had the worst NFS
> implementation in the world, I think these concerns are justified.

Not so much anymore, if the application does the right thing.  If you
do POSIX locking (i.e. fcntl()) over NFS on Linux, using 2.4 kernels,
and recent versions of nfsutils, it does work reliably.  

The traditional form of locking which historically has worked for all
cases (namely the link()ing to a unique lock file) does NOT work
reliably on Linux over NFS, because of a race condition.  It should
work reliably if and only if the server and clients are configured to
use synchronous I/O, which is rarely the case in my experience.  The
default is not to use it, to improve performance, and so it goes
largely unused.  However, Last I'd read (in the man page for open(), I
believe) there's still a race condition in the kernel that prevents
this from being reliable.

> > Maildir format works just fine over NFS, no locking required.
>   Okay, that's a good point.  These concerns only apply to the admittedly
> lame but unfortunately common Berkley mbox format.

And other formats that save multiple messages per file, of which mbox
is not the only one.  But there are still the security implications,
unless you take root access away from people's desktops.

- -- 
Derek Martin               [EMAIL PROTECTED]    
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