The latest and greatest NFS code for the newer Linux kernels is supposed to
be much improved. Kernels prior to 2.4 didn't have NFS V3 support (or at
least you had to play with the 2.2 kernel series in order to get NFS V3
support). It's the NFS V3 protocol that improves performance noticeably. I
don't know how reliable NFS V3 on Linux is nor what the performance numbers
would show so I can't quantify this in a meaningful way. In the case of the
customer I have in mind, NFS doesn't come into the picture. They're pretty
much a Windows shop. Another point is that they only need a file server to
park their files. They don't have applications that will be pounding the
storage so performance shouldn't be an important consideration. What they
don't have is in-house IT staffing. So some kind of network attached storage
that requires very low maintenance/administration is a major plus for them.

I'll look at the Cobalt systems though. I also saw positive comments on the
MaxAttach systems put out by Maxtor.


----- Original Message -----
To: "Thomas Charron" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, July 22, 2002 4:07 PM
Subject: Re: Quantum Snap Server - Opinions?

> In a message dated: Mon, 22 Jul 2002 14:55:21 CDT
> Thomas Charron said:
> >  As a second note I forgot about, it also has a built in FTP and web
> >as well as the ability to run Java servlets.  Definatly a nice little
> Ahm, okay, so how is this different than a Cobalt then?
> A Cobalt can do all of this, and being a web-appliance is it's main
> function.  It *can* do NFS/CIFS if you want it to, but if you have
> heavy duty NFS requirements, my personal opinion is:  Don't use Linux!
> It's NFS performance as compared to Sun and True64 just plain stinks.
> (actually, I've heard that True64 even blows Sun's NFS performance
> out the door :)
> Linux is very good at doing a lot of things.  It can do NFS, just not
> that well.
> So, other than these systems being better at NFS/CIFS, are they
> essentially just like the Cobalt, just with a BSD core over Linux?
> --
> Seeya,
> Paul
> ----
> It may look like I'm just sitting here doing nothing,
>    but I'm really actively waiting for all my problems to go away.
> If you're not having fun, you're not doing it right!
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