Thanks to Rob Anderson for coming over the mountain to give us his 
presentation on How to make a VCD. Should be a fun meeting. All of you 
GNHLUGger's who missed the presentation and would like to visit the 
lonely Monadlugger's, you are welcome to join us.


The Topic is: Howto Make a VCD

The next meeting is Monday 7/8/2002 at 7pm in Morse Hall room 301.

Video CDs are normal CD-R(CD-RW) in a format that can be played on
many DVD players.  There are some variants that allow higher
resolution and more capabilities.

What I was looking for was a way to burn my photos such that I could
watch them on my large format TV, as well as having a web front end.
To date I've not been 100% successful.  But I can burn slideshows just
short of a 100 pictures and have had some luck with the AVI videos
produced by my camera.

At my current VCD proficiency level training VCDs and special
slideshow VCDs are doable.  I'm still working out the best that I can
do toward my goal of archiving my photos.  At this point I do not
think I can achive the original intent, but I should be able to get
fairly close.

Part of the demo will be using "nautilus" to manipulate photograpic
images in a nicer manner than I've been used to.  This graphical file
browser has come a long way, if your like me, you may not have even

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