In a message dated: Tue, 30 Jul 2002 18:07:18 EDT
Michael O'Donnell said:

>If you haven't messed with this 'Process Substitution' stuff
>before, examples like the following could (as my favorite oracle
>might say) "bake your noodle":
>  ls -l <( echo  )
>  echo  <( ls -l )
> noodle is currently al dente.  (I mean, all denty...)

Mine is pretty well cooked now:

        pll@tater:~$ ls -l <( echo  )
        lr-x------  1 pll  pll     64 Jul 31 10:02 /dev/fd/63 -> pipe:[5071]
        pll@tater:~$ echo  <( ls -l )

Definitely not what I expected at all.  Especially considering
        pll@tater:~$ ls -l /dev/fd/
        total 0
        lrwx------    1 pll      pll            64 Jul 31 10:14 0 -> /dev/pts/1
        lrwx------    1 pll      pll            64 Jul 31 10:14 1 -> /dev/pts/1
        lrwx------    1 pll      pll            64 Jul 31 10:14 2 -> /dev/pts/1
        lr-x------    1 pll      pll            64 Jul 31 10:14 3 -> /proc/1461/fd


        It may look like I'm just sitting here doing nothing,
   but I'm really actively waiting for all my problems to go away.

         If you're not having fun, you're not doing it right!

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