> I see that AdaCore
> (http://blog.adacore.com/modernizing-adacores-open-source) put some
> repos on Github, so wonder if Gnoga's initiative has something to do
> with it?

While they will not admit it, I am sure that my community efforts have made
them rethink their licensing strategies.

> What I can say is that FPC compiler is open-source, actively developed
> with active open-source community. Similar situation with Lazarus,
> although fpGUI/MSEide+gui are mostly driven by single devs.
> Cannot bet on it, but probably FPC/Lazarus come with larger 'standard'
> library or more "batteries included".
Lazarus is a great project. If AdaCore had not virused the compiler after
GNAT 3.14p we would have beaten them to the punch with GNAVI which was
already ready. I demo'ed a working dev environment of the product at an
AdaCore retreat but they were pigeon wholed in to Gtk only for the company
so I there was no incentive to continue working on the IDE GWindows is
still actively developed though by others.

> For my own app, I need sqlite3 bindings and probably mostly custom
> written libs along with bindings for 3rd party C library.

Comes with Gnoga

> However, I'm interested about smooth usage of Unicode (UTF-8) in order
> to be able to have proper 118n and l11n of my app which is definite
> 'pro' with more modern langauges which have utf-8 support
> out-of-the-box.

There are good libs for working with UTF-8 and strings in Simple Components
in the deps directory of Gnoga

> It's clear that Ada is more type-safe/and richer langauge, but I wonder
> how would you compare Gnoga with FPC/Lazarus for writing open-source
> multi-platform 'general purpose software'?

Using any HTML 5 editor you can build much more elaborate UIs than with
Lazarus and just bind them to your Gnoga code. While possible to do full
out UI from scratch in Gnoga, I'm still working on improving that
experience, but there are already so many great UI tools for the web that
work well with Gnoga I'm already doing tons of pro level work with it.

David Botton
Go from Idea to Many App Stores Faster with Intel(R) XDK
Give your users amazing mobile app experiences with Intel(R) XDK.
Use one codebase in this all-in-one HTML5 development environment.
Design, debug & build mobile apps & 2D/3D high-impact games for multiple OSs.
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