Hello Jeff,

It's getting less obscure with:
A double. If the media data is available but the length is unknown, this value 
is NaN. If the media is streamed and has no predefined length, the value is 

I get more or less this behavior on Firefox and similar on Safari:

<audio controls preload=​"auto" id=​"g12">​</audio>​

-- Sound file not loaded
$(gnoga['g12']).prop ('readyState')
$(gnoga['g12']).prop ('duration')

-- Sound file loaded
$(gnoga['g12']).prop ('src','glass.ogg')
Object [ <audio#g12> ]
$(gnoga['g12']).prop ('readyState')
$(gnoga['g12']).prop ('duration')

-- Sound file not played
Promise { <state>: "pending" }
$(gnoga['g12']).prop ('readyState')
$(gnoga['g12']).prop ('duration')

Thus, even loaded, the duration seems not known and more is set to "Infinity".
I don't know how to get the duration without playing the file.

Sorry not helping more, Pascal.

> Le 30 sept. 2017 à 12:06, Jeffrey R. Carter <jrcar...@acm.org> a écrit :
> On 09/30/2017 10:57 AM, Pascal via Gnoga-list wrote:
>> Two points:
>> - it seems that duration is not available before the sound is ready to play 
>> (with Firefox)
>> - the duration function should return Float
>> I modify Play_Sound as follow with a waiting loop for readiness:
>>   procedure Play_Sound (Object : in out Gnoga.Gui.Base.Base_Type'Class) is
>>      pragma Unreferenced (Object);
>>   --  Empty;
>>   begin -- Play_Sound
>>      Player.Media_Source (Source => "glass.ogg");
>>      while not Player.Ready_To_Play loop
>>         Gnoga.Log (Message => Player.Ready_To_Play'Img);
>>         delay 0.01;
>>      end loop;
>>      Gnoga.Log
>>        (Message => Player.Media_Source & Float'Image 
>> (Player.Media_Duration));
>>      Player.Play;
>>   exception -- Play_Sound
>>      when E : others =>
>>         Gnoga.Log
>>           (Message =>
>>              "Play_Sound: " & Ada.Exceptions.Exception_Information (E));
>>   end Play_Sound;
>> Results:
>> 2017-09-30 10:42:47.27 : New connection - ID 1
>> 2017-09-30 10:42:49.80 : TRUE
>> 2017-09-30 10:42:49.84 : http://localhost:8080/glass.ogg 7.51836E-01
>> Note: in my case just one round is needed.
> OK, with those patches and changing Play_Sound to
>   procedure Play_Sound (Object : in out Gnoga.Gui.Base.Base_Type'Class) is
>      -- Empty;
>   begin -- Play_Sound
>      Player.Media_Source (Source => "glass.ogg");
>      Wait_For_Ready : loop
>         Gnoga.Log (Message => Integer'Image (Player.Property ("readyState") ) 
> & ' ' & Boolean'Image (Player.Ready_To_Play) );
>         exit Wait_For_Ready when Player.Ready_To_Play;
>         delay 0.01;
>      end loop Wait_For_Ready;
>      Gnoga.Log (Message => Player.Media_Source & Float'Image 
> (Player.Media_Duration) );
>      Player.Play;
>   exception -- Play_Sound
>   when E : others =>
>      Gnoga.Log (Message => "Play_Sound: " & 
> Ada.Exceptions.Exception_Information (E) );
>   end Play_Sound;
> I get
> 2017-09-30 11:58:16.95 :  0 TRUE
> 2017-09-30 11:58:17.04 : Error jQuery_Execute converting to Float (forced to 
> 0.0).
> 2017-09-30 11:58:17.04 : raised CONSTRAINT_ERROR : bad input for 'Value: 
> "Infinity"
> Call stack traceback locations:
> 0x7f47fa1091c1 0x7f47fa108958 0x7f47fa108c5b 0x5633f90a0ae0 0x5633f90a0d3a 
> 0x5633f90abc69 0x5633f9079201 0x5633f908fd6d 0x5633f9104751 0x7f47fa431222 
> 0x7f47f96816d8 0x7f47f99a0d7d 0xfffffffffffffffe
> 2017-09-30 11:58:17.08 : http://localhost:8080/glass.ogg 0.00000E+00
> in the log output with Firefox. Also, the thing that is most important to me 
> hasn't changed: the total time isn't displayed in the widget until playback 
> finishes.
> It looks to me as if Ready_To_Play should probably be Property ("readyState") 
> > 1.
>> If patches are ok for you I'll push them in Gnoga. 
> Looks OK to me.
>> PS: Jeff, I'll put Ding into test stuff of Gnoga if you don't mind.
> Fine with me.
> -- 
> Jeff Carter
> "Frankie Wolf, wanted by Federal authorities for
> dancing with a mailman."
> Take the Money and Run
> 143

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