> Le 15 août 2018 à 19:45, Jeffrey R. Carter <jrcar...@acm.org> a écrit :
> On 08/15/2018 07:25 PM, Pascal via Gnoga-list wrote:
>> In order to be sure, can you report the output of:
>> $ git status
> $ git status
> On branch dev_1.4
> Your branch is up to date with 'origin/dev_1.4'.
> Untracked files:
>  (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
>       src/gnoga-gui-plugin-ace_editor.adb
>       src/gnoga-gui-plugin-ace_editor.ads
>       src/gnoga-gui-plugin-boot_strap.adb
>       src/gnoga-gui-plugin-boot_strap.ads
>       src/gnoga-gui-plugin-jqueryui-widget.adb
>       src/gnoga-gui-plugin-jqueryui-widget.ads
>       src/gnoga-gui-plugin-jqueryui.adb
>       src/gnoga-gui-plugin-jqueryui.ads
>       src/gnoga-gui-plugin-message_boxes.adb
>       src/gnoga-gui-plugin-message_boxes.ads
>       src/gnoga-gui-plugin-mnmenu.adb
>       src/gnoga-gui-plugin-mnmenu.ads
>       src/gnoga-gui-plugin-pixi-graphics.adb
>       src/gnoga-gui-plugin-pixi-graphics.ads
>       src/gnoga-gui-plugin-pixi-sprite.adb
>       src/gnoga-gui-plugin-pixi-sprite.ads
>       src/gnoga-gui-plugin-pixi-text.adb
>       src/gnoga-gui-plugin-pixi-text.ads
>       src/gnoga-gui-plugin-pixi.adb
>       src/gnoga-gui-plugin-pixi.ads
> nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)

Thanks Jeff,

I see now what it is:
All the above untracked files are probably remain ones from previous version 
dev_1.3 before checkout of dev_1.4 (as there were copied by makefiles of 1.3 
now in 1.4 it's no more the case).
When you did git checkout, these files were not removed.
I don't know if specific git options exist to remove them automatically, do you?
Otherwise you have to remove them manually.
I'm sorry for this annoyance.

HTH, Pascal.

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