Organization: Thought Unlimited.  Public service Unix since 1986.
Of_Interest: With Thirty years  of service  to the  Unix  community.

On Wed, Sep 14, 2016 at 03:15:31PM -0400, Nlomrb Gmail wrote:
> Thank you, Jose, Gary, Luke, 
> Peter, (and all members of the mailing list):
> It is helpful to know about Speech Dispatcher.  I am not sure, though, it can 
> meet my most pressing need in a speech synthesis system.
> I have MS (Multiple Sclerosis).  Due to it, I have, among other symptoms, 
> difficult to understand speech which is usually accompanied by weak speech.  
> I am looking for software to help when I am having a bad voice day.  I need 
> to be able to have a conversation with an able-bodied person.  Such software 
> is often called AAC or SGD.  I wondered if GNOME did it.   
> People with MS, ALS, TBI, stroke, autism, and other such conditions often 
> develop a speech impairment, as I have.  
> Are there plans to add this functionality to GNOME?  I am a potential, not 
> current user.  A program which could run under GNOME would work.  A Linux 
> program would work.
> I do not know C.  I know FORTRAN.  
> Thanks,
> Rose 

        Interesting.  My speech has been pretty significantly impaired 
        since Jan. 1964 after my 7th brain surgery.  My program, VBC (or 
        "Voice By Computer") got messed up after my volunteer sysadmin 
        messed up my several computers.  I am still trying to find the
        pieces to VBC scattered across 4 Dell desktops. 

        I have never been satisfied with my age (!) and now that I 
        am officially OLD it seems that all I want to do is *sleep*.
        (There are times that I would give my useless right arm for 
        some uppers ... but then again, maybe that would be short-sighted.)

        VBC relies on a bunch of public libraries.  AFAIK, it worked or
        used to work on FreeBSD and every one of the distro of Linux
        I could think of.  It's time to  scour my computers and see if I
        can find all the parts.


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 Gary Kline  kl...@thought.org  http://www.thought.org  Public Service Unix
                  Thirty years of service to the Unix community.

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