Team -

Jeff and I spoke briefly recently regarding adding a secondary DNS
server to our infrastructure. This need arose out of the transferring
of some domains, and the registrars needing a minimum of two DNS
servers. I believe Jeff simply entered a fake secondary at the time,
but I agree that adding a proper secondary slave would be warranted
and fairly simple.

I propose installing BIND and configuring it as a slave to our primary
master. I don't have any particular preference or opinion on the
location, but Jeff did suggest it go on an Ubuntu installation (do we
have any 10.04 LTS boxes yet?)

I'd be happy to set this up, and I'm more than familiar with BIND (I'm
the DNS guy at my office). If anyone would like to pipe in with their
opinions regarding where to put it, go ahead.

I'll plan on beginning work on this sometime this weekend.


World Domination is such an ugly phrase. I prefer to call it world Optimization.
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