I think 
not the only option,
Spidermonkey supports stack
so it would be possible to assign a set of permissions to each extension and
enforce them at run-time.
The same principle is used in
to allow applets to selectively access priviledged resources.

It would of course take quite some work to maintain the permission sets (as
is the case for SELinux). On the other hand, it would make the reviewers
life a lot easier, as they can just read through the permission set and see
if it contains anything bad/odd. If the extension would change its behavior
once deployed, the stack traceing mechanism would block all bad/unexpected

It would also take quite some work to design a good permission model: if you
make it too fine grained, the permission sets become huge, if you make it
too coarse, it is useless.
But if security is really an issue, now is the time to implement it.

On the other hand, I trust the crowd, if things go bad, someone will fix it,
if not, I have the extensions source, so I can probably fix it myself,...


On Wed, Aug 31, 2011 at 22:32, Owen Taylor <otay...@redhat.com> wrote:

> The idea of a GNOME Shell extension is to let the GNOME community
> build on top of the GNOME Shell code base, to tweak, to customize, and
> to prototype new GNOME features and behaviors.
> GNOME Shell extensions aren't sandboxed, and sandboxing them is
> fundamentally hard because shell extensions are defined as arbitrary
> tweaks to GNOME Shell. GNOME Shell is in the position to do such
> things as add global keybindings or read screen content, thus shell
> have the same capabilities.
> Of course, Linux users run unsandboxed code with arbitary capabilities
> every day - applications, for example. So the security question with
> GNOME Shell extensions is not how we can do the almost impossible job
> of sandboxing them, but how we can build up layers of social, user
> interface, and technical protections to make them not an attractive
> deployment mechanism for malware.
> For an average user, one of the most important thing that we can do is
> to make sure that it is actively hard to install extensions from
> untrusted sources. It shouldn't be possible to simply click on a web
> page link which downloads an extensions and then be prompted to
> install it. It's been well demonstrated that no form of confirmation
> dialog or warning text provides effective protection in such cases.
> By instead directing the user to extensions on extensions.gnome.org we
> achieve multiple things: we can have a review process for extensions,
> rankings and reviews will direct the user to heavily tested extensions
> and away from misbehaving extensions, we will make sure that we can
> update extensions, and even remove them if security problems pop up.
> The "sweettooth plugin"
> ========================
> In general, having the interface to find and install extensions be a
> website is attractive: it is a very natural way to include social
> aspects like ratings and recommendations into the interface and allows
> the information/installation page for an extension to be directly
> linked to from an external web page.
> However, as noted above, simple approaches for installing extensions
> like a MIME-type handler can be dangerous since they could be used
> to provide a code download from an arbitrary location.
> The current approach taken is to provide a browser plugin that
> enforces an origin from extensions.gnome.org and provides the
> following methods to the website:
>  listExtensions()
>  getExtensionInfo()
>  installExtension()
>  setExtensionEnabled()
>  getExtensionErrors()
> This allows embedding an interface for mananging extensions directly
> into the website.
> Threat model and mitigation
> ===========================
> The basic danger that we want to avoid is that someone gets an
> extension installed onto their system that has malicious code in it.
> The most basic way that this would happen is that someone simply
> uploads an extension to the website that is malicious, and that it
> gets through the review process without anybody noticing.
> Mitigation:
>  - Require code review for all updates of an extension not just the
>   initial upload.
>  - Provide clear code review guidelines, including that an
>   extension with hard to understand or tricky code should be
>   rejected.
>  - Provide tools to let a reviewer see what has changed in an update
>   of an extension to let them focus more attention on the changed
>   part.
>  - Use identity in the review process, so, e.g., it's very clear
>   when an update to an extension is uploaded by someone other than
>   the original author.
>  - Make it very difficult to install an unreviewed extension; it
>   should not be easy for a reviewer to try out an extension to
>   "see what it does" before they look at the code. It should not
>   be possible for a user to install an unreviewed extension from
>   the website simply by confirming a warning dialog.
> Another possibility would be a system-level exploit of
> extensions.gnome.org allowing modification of the code or uploaded
> extensions. Other the general security measures we take for all
> gnome.org servers, there are not a lot of things we can do about
> this, a few ideas:
>  - Make sure that it's explicit to the user when updates to
>   extensions or new extensions are being installed. This doesn't
>   do much to directly protect the vast majority of users, but
>   should allow quick detection of "funny business" by the community
>   in general.
>  - Add some capability for "self-healing" to the extension update
>   mechanism. There's not much we can do if an extension once run
>   installs a back-door on the user's system, but we should be able
>   to remove known bad extensions through the update process, even
>   if the extension doesn't have proper update metadata.
> Somewhat similarly, there is a danger if a user with commit access to
> gnome.org introduces code into the extensions.gnome.org website that
> then gets deployed on the server. Obviously, this is something we also
> need to deal with for commits to general GNOME code, but the ability
> to immediately get things installed on user's systems makes the window
> to detect problems shorter for extensions.gnome.org.
> Possible measures:
>  - Don't have automatic deployment for extensions.gnome.org changes
>   but make it a manual process.
>  - Restrict the set of users who can commit to the
>   extensions.gnome.org code module.
> Beyond this, the use of a browser plugin could provide the following
> dangers:
>  * There might be a direct hole in the browser plugin code that
>   allows arbitrary code execution.
>   Mitigation:
>   - careful code review of the plugin.
>   - check the originating web page very early in the process
>     and don't allow untrusted web sites to even call most
>     of the code in the plugin.
>  * By cross-site scripting techniques someone could manage to figure
>   out how to trigger installation without an explicit request
>   from the user. Similarly, a bug in the origin checking logic
>   might allow the plugin to be embedded and controlled by a
>   website other than extensions.gnome.org.
>   Mitigation:
>    - make gnome-shell show a dialog before installing an extension.
>    - make it impossible to install an unreviewed extension through
>      the mechanism that the plugin uses
>    - make it impossible to install an extension from somewhere other
>      than extensions.gnome.org via the mechanism that the plugin
>      uses.
>   If all that the plugin can do is say "install plugin GUID x-y-z",
>   whch that then triggers a download from https://extensions.gnome.org
>   and shows a dialog, then any exploits along this line should at
>   least be detectable to moderately sophisticated users, who will
>   hopefully then report them so they can be fixed.
> "Websites are websites, configuration is configuration!" ?
> ==========================================================
> Colin Walters expressed a strong opinion to me that he was
> uncomfortable with the idea of having a GUI to install and enable
> extensions be embedded into a website. That controls on websites
> should not effect the local state of the computer, period.
> He said that even if the extensions installation application was
> implemented as a web page, he'd be much more comfortable if it was run
> only as an embedded web page within a dedicated application rather
> than in a general-purpose web page.
> While I can sympathize with this, it's a view that is accomodating the
> the mental model of sophisticated users who are able to figure things
> out in any case. For a less sophisticated user the important thing is
> making things as clear and simple as possible, to let them focus on
> what they are doing, rather than how. I think the website approach
> works well for this.
> (Another factor here is that we want a clear separation where
> extensions are something you have to go out of your way to find;
> turning on extensions is a completely different form of customization
> than, say, changing your time zone. So, we'd have to do something like
> make the extensions application only accessible through the Alt-F2
> run dialog.)
> "Extensions should be packaged!" ?
> ==================================
> If we just treated extensions like all other code on a linux
> distribution and didn't have extensions.gnome.org, then we wouldn't
> introduce new security risks.
> However, this does not correspond to our overall goals for extensions:
> we want a very clear distinction between extensions and applications,
> we want extension installation to be under the control of the user
> and not the system builder, and we want to encourage a community of
> extension creation that doesn't involve an extra layer of distribution
> specific packaging.
> Conclusion
> ==========
> A model where we encourage users to download and run code that doesn't
> go through the normal GNOME channels of patch review, release and
> packaging clearly presents new security challenges. The most important
> thing we can do to address these challenges is to make sure that we
> have a review process and solid update mechanism in place. This is
> achieved by making extensions.gnome.org the central location
> for extensions.
> Beyond this, the security challenges posed by extensions.gnome.org are
> mostly standard ones of maintaining website and code security. Certain
> mitigation measures indentified above: in particular making the
> interfaces used by the plugin limited to installing extensions from
> extensions.gnome.org and providing explicit client-side notification
> during installation and update of extensions can provide an extra
> layer of security.
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