
Fedora 27, Gnome desktop 2.32, gnome 3.26.2, kernel 4.15.8-300.fc27.x86_64.
Lenovo Yoga 700-11ISK, ELAN touchscreen, Synaptic touchpad.

The yoga is a convertible laptop which I am trying to use as a tablet but
it is confusing. I'll describe these and hopefully you can give me some
pointers what is a bug and what is a feature :)

1. when switched to a tablet, the keyboard gets disabled (good) but the
touchpad is not.

2. the touchscreen seems not to understand multitouch at all so it also
does not allow scrolling most of the time. If it is firefox or a terminal -
moving finger over the window selects text. No two finger scrolling is
possible (enabled and works with the touchpad).

3. touchscreen tapping on a task in the taskbar does not bring it up, I can
see gnome notices the click but it still does nothing. Tapping on the
touchpad works, clicking left button on the touchpad works, so it only
touchscreen problem.

4. Orientation sensor - when enabled, constantly rotates the screen.

If some of that is a bug, where to look for additional information? I could
debug to certain point... Also, if either of above is a bug, where to file
these bugs? Gnome has a bugzilla (but hard to categorize these), Redhat has
bugzilla too. Thanks,

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