On Wed, 2018-05-16 at 09:28 +0200, Florijan Hamzic wrote:
> Hello,
> i uploaded a package some weeks ago and so long got no response. I
> remember MengZhuo and nmcgovern did this quite 'in time' in the
> past. 
> The extension i am talking about: https://extensions.gnome.org/extens
> ion/1422/stocks-extension/
> I would be glad to help/contribute if you are short-staffed on this
> topic.
> Best regards
> Florijan
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The following numbers may be of interest.

205 enteries in the ego review queue.

When duplicates of extension name are combined 127 result.

When extensions were first made available there were discussions on
this list about the security issues of extensions.  The review process
is important.    

Notes on extensions.gnome.org security 

Re: Notes on extensions.gnome.org security

My fear is extensions may be made more available outside the control of
the review process.  This would not be good.

So it goes...

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