On 23/08/11 03:42, Henry Jensen wrote:
On Mon, 22 Aug 2011 21:59:46 -0500
Quiliro Ordóñez<quil...@congresolibre.org>  wrote:

At http://www.fsf.org/working-together/gang/ the FSF even endorses
FreeBSD, which is known to have proprietary software in their ports.
(personally I think, FreeBSD shouldn't be listed there. If they must
list a BSD system it should be OpenBSD, which has, in contrast to
FreeBSD, an explicit free software agenda).

I don't see FreeBSD as an endorsed free OS. Will you please provide
the link to report that bug?
Possibly they are refering to its kernel which I beleive is free
http://www.fsf.org/working-together/gang/freebsd . Nevertheless, it
shouldn't be endoresed because it promotes non free software.
The naming situation in BSD is not like the situation in GNU/Linux.
"FreeBSD"is the whole system, kernel + userland. The kernel alone is
just called "the FreeBSD kernel". And even if they referred only to the
kernel, as far as I know the situation with non-free blobs in the
FreeBSD kernel is even worse than with the Linux Kernel.

I agree. It should not be mentioned as endorsed. A comment should be included as with other non-free distros.

Quiliro Ordóñez
09 821 8696
02 340 1517

"No se puede sacrificar la libertad por ningún bien, por ninguna promesa de pan o de paz o de justicia, porque ese pan tendría amargura de veneno, esa paz sería de muerte, y esa justicia no sería justicia humana ni tendría sentido." Alfredo Pérez Guerrero

"Não se pode sacrificar a liberdade por nenhum bem, por nenhuma promessa de pan ou de paz ou de justiça, porque esse pan teria amargura de veneno, essa paz seria de morte, e essa justiça não seria justiça humana nem faria sentido." Alfredo Pérez Guerrero

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