thufir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> I guess that the plaintiffs decided that having the manufacturer of the
>> routers comply with the GPL was good enough for them, because it would
>> be difficult to explain in court that Verizon was not complying with the
>> GPL given this availability. But that's just a guess.

>If it's an action tek router, sold to an importer exporter, and then to 
>another middleman, and then to a retailer, to whom do you go for the 
>source code?  presumably, just action tek.

I think you folks are assuming that the GPL somehow gives you, the buyer of the
router, the right to get source code from somewhere. I don't think it does.
All is does is require everybody distributing the router to others to also give
recipients the source code, which is not quite the same thing as giving you the
right to demand it.

So where would you get the source code? From anywhere where it's available.
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