Rjack wrote:
"Forced" sharing through copyright misuse is illegal theft.

    To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts,
    by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors
    the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and

To borrow some usage from Terekhov,






Copyright holders have exclusive rights to their work. Except for
discrimination against protected classes, they have complete control
over who is allowed to make copies and redistribute them, and setting
conditions, even arbitrary ones, is well within the scope of their
constitutional rights. In any case, no one is "forced" to share since
no one is forced to use GPLed software. If a programmer chooses to use
it, and distribute programs that include it, he has to abide by the
conditions of its license.

This is what the JMRI appeals court recognized, and what you fail to see.
The world has changed around the existing law, which didn't envision a
vibrant community of works distributed under free licenses which demand
sharing and attribution rather than money. Case by case, and eventually
by statute, you will see that the law will come to fully embrace these
free licenses and their provisions.
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