Peter Köhlmann wrote:
Rjack wrote:

David Kastrup wrote:
Rjack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hyman Rosen wrote:
Rjack wrote:
Now it gobbles up your compiler too.
To wit: A Practical Guide to GPL Compliance
Witless is more like it, since the quoted passage explicitly
says that the GPL does *not* gobble up your compiler.

"If you have used a proprietary, third-party compiler to build the
software, then you probably cannot ship it to your customers."

Cut the crap Hymen! The brave GNU World wants to control your
"it" obviously means the proprietary, third-party compiler.  Your
reading comprehension appears a bit sub-standard.

To wit:

"If you have used a proprietary, third-party compiler to build the
software, then you probably cannot ship it to your customers. We
consider the name of the compiler, its exact version number, and
where it can be acquired as information that must be provided as
part of the Corresponding Source."

My third party compiler is none of their damn business. I can paint
it red, pee on it or give to charity -- it's simply none of their
damn business. The name of the compiler, its version number and
where it can be acquired is also none of their damn business.
"[P]art of the "Corresponding Source" my ass.

You FOSS groupies are obviously a brick shy of a full load.

None of their damn business.
None of their damn business.
None of their damn business.
None of their damn business.
None of their damn business.

Rjack :)


Very substantive.
Thank you!

Rjack :)
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