Andrew Halliwell wrote:
Rjack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Richard Tobin wrote:
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Rjack  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

My third party compiler is none of their damn business. I can paint
it red, pee on it or give to charity -- it's simply none of their
damn business.
Feel free to try shipping Microsoft's C++ compiler with your program.

The statement was an observation about the restrictions you typically
find in commercial software, not about the GPL.
Don't insert your assumptions about what compiler I have into my
argument so that you can create a strawman for a script-kiddie

The only strawmen here are ones created by you.

How do you know I don't use the BSD licensed pcc compiler
or an Intel compiler? You don't. The point of my post was that it's
none of your damn business what name brand or version compiler I
use. I stand by that assertion.

Learn to read, thicko.
All he was saying is, with a GPL compiler you can distribute it.\

With a commercial compiler, you can not distribute it.
Which is complete, 100% bullshit. You don't control "commercial compilers" so how do know?

With SOME commercial compilers you can't even sell your own code without
permission from the compiler's owner. And then they expect you to pay for
the privilage.
With SOME compilers you can sell your own code without permission from the compiler's owner. And then they don't expect you to pay for
the privilege.

With the GPL based compiler, you can do what the hell you like with your own
code with no restrictions. Only if you include other people's GPL code are
you bound by the GPL yourself.

By eck, the quality of trolls these days is shocking.

By eck? Is that shorthand script-kiddie?

Rjack :)
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