On Thu, 23 Apr 2009 08:24:57 +0200, Hadron wrote:

> ray <r...@zianet.com> writes:
>> On Wed, 22 Apr 2009 21:00:57 -0500, DFS wrote:
>>> Rjack wrote:
>>>> Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn.
>>>> FSF runs from another opportunity to prove legal enforceability
>>>> claims for the GPL. Just as I predicted. Listen for the Freetard
>>>> spin.
>>>> The Cisco v. Free Software case was dismissed with prejudice and
>>>> without award of court costs. (On PACER court record 4/22/2009)
>>>> Sincerely,
>>>> Rjack :)
>>> The "Free" software bozos requested "the Court order Defendant to
>>> account for and disgorge to Plaintiff all profits derived by Defendant
>>> from its unlawful acts;"
>>> http://www.fsf.org/licensing/complaint-2008-12-11.pdf
>>> LMAO!  They sure do sound greedy for a not-for-profit, tax-exampt
>>> public charity.
>>> It should be unlawful to dump crappy open source code on the market
>>> for less than the cost to produce it.
>> Well DooFuS, one could also argue it should be unlawful to dump
>> propietary code on the market for exhorbitant prices.
> What did you pay for your fat free milk today Ray?

Hey Hardon - FYI - I don't use fat free milk. Mostly heavy cream. Why 
should you care what it costs?
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