Hyman Rosen wrote:
On 4/20/2010 3:03 PM, Alexander Terekhov wrote:
Hyman Rosen wrote:
Open licenses authorize actions otherwise prohibited by copyright
law provided that persons using this authorization comply with provisions specified by the license. The licenses are open in the

Do you really think that proprietary licenses authorize actions prohibited by copyright law provided that persons using this authorization NOT comply with provisions specified by the license

The licenses are open in the sense that they are generally offered to
anyone who has a copy of the covered work, they require no
communication from the person using the authorization to the rights
holder, and they allow for further recipients to avail themselves of
the same permissions.

They differ in obvious ways from normal copyright licenses which are
two-party agreements where the rights holder authorizes copying and
distribution in exchange for some consideration and both parties sign
off on the deal.

At least that's your crackpot, make believe theory. You obviously
are too ignorant of common contract law to recognize a bilateral.
third party beneficiary contract when you see one. Keep makin' it
up as you go Hyman.

RJack :)
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