"Alexander Terekhov" <terek...@web.de> wrote in message news:4be1c795.abe07...@web.de...

RJack wrote:

RJack wrote:
> All this bantering about prior cases is moot.
> The SFLC has just filed a request for a pre-conference motion for
> summary judgment against Westinghouse. The near future now holds all > the > answers about GPL enforcement. I'm sure Judge Scheindlin will suffers > no
> fools in this action.

Seems Westinghouse has undergone an assignment for the benefit of
creditors in California.


SFLC rats footnoted it:

"On April 27, Plaintiffs attempted to confer with counsel for
Westinghouse regarding the discovery request, but were told that
Westinghouse has undergone an assignment for the benefit of creditors in
California and is unlikely to continue to defend itself in this matter"

"is unlikely to continue to defend itself in this matter"

"is unlikely to continue to defend itself in this matter"

So when the defendant told SFLC rats that the defendant is "unlikely to
continue to defend itself in this matter" SFLC rats "contemplate" two

"Plaintiffs in this action for copyright infringement write to request a
pre-motion conference in contemplation of two motions against defendant
Westinghouse Digital Electronics, LLC ("Westinghouse"), The first
contemplated motion is for summary judgment of infringement and an award
of appropriate remedies. The second contemplated motion is to compel
discovery. Plaintiffs propose a single pre-motion conference be held
during the week of May 17, or otherwise at the Court's earliest


SFLC rats "contemplate" two motions...

"File for show, settle for dough" is unlikely to work here.

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