On Mon, 08 Oct 2012 16:27:10 +0200, Alexander Terekhov wrote...
> Tim Jackson wrote:
> [...]
> > But that still doesn't support your argument.  I've had enough of
> > explaining why.  Goodbye.
> A perfectly legitimate copy (as of time of reproduction) just can't
> somehow become infringing by subsequent act of distribution of THAT copy
> under terms and conditions that you don't like, silly. That's what
> "first sale" / exhaustion is about. 

But even that **still** doesn't support your argument. 

> (The idea is that copyright owner
> can "sell" copies (material objects) made by him and/or permissions to
> reproduce by others and don't mess with secondary markets with respect
> to copies made and distributed by him and/or made with his permission
> and owned by others.)

And this is just wrong.   I've had enough of explaining why.  Goodbye.

Tim Jackson
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