On 10/11/2012 02:58 PM, Alexander Terekhov wrote:
Ineiev wrote:
On 10/10/2012 10:01 AM, Alexander Terekhov wrote:
If so be advised that the GPL doesn't fulfil Russian requirements for IP
licenses in general...

Read the entire chapter 69 (Part 4***) of Russian Civil Code.
Read especially carefully articles such as 1235 ("License Contract")...

Finally, study twice article 160.

Could you be more specific? what requirements are not fulfilled
and what does it imply?

[... "it is copying" ...]

For the upteenth time: the act of copying is perfectly fine and
unrestricted under the GPL and other public licenses.

What is so hard to understand here?

It is hard to understand how article 1272 may be relevant when
you download GCC. what you get is a copy you've made yourself,
it wasn't sold or alienated by the copyright holder. I can't
see how the `first sale' doctrine may apply to it.

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