There was no intention and so I do not know why I am censored for "tit for tat", moderator did not say. But I don't care to be censored. It probably "offended" somebody. I guess it was a joke... hahhah
* Ruben Safir <> [2019-10-29 01:58]: > On 10/28/19 2:41 PM, Samuel Thibault wrote: > > Jean Louis, le lun. 28 oct. 2019 21:54:00 +0530, a ecrit: > >> Virgin joke is a joke > > Now that I have read about it, I can definitely say that it is a > > completely inappropriate joke. Sure, it'll get a lot of people laugh. > > But it'll also get some people not at ease / ashamed, etc., which is > > just in line with that I wrote: > > No it wouldn't. The implication is that any reference to human > sexuality is offensive and that is CRAP. Grow ups have no trouble with > this. Those are jokes. Nothing to get seriously offended. But I understand the feeling. If one is in the class of people which is targeted by the joke, that person may feel offended, sure. But that is not the reason to dramatize the lack of humor and lack of social interaction and incite hate movements. "Comedy has the incredible ability to address subject matters that are notoriously difficult to discuss." -- from Look at categories of jokes: beauty, ugly... somebody will get offended, either ugly or beatyful. The answer to the joke is best another joke. Not being offended. That is why PC means "politically correct" and now people who are getting offended for their opinion that somebody said something politically incorrect, they call for important social figures to "step down", or "to resign", or to "cancel" them, and so on. I am thankful I do not spend my time in such hateful environments. Look at categories of jokes: accountants, attorneys, aviation, hair and bald people (sorry Samuel), baby jokes, barbie jokes, children, clinton, college, and just think -- somebody can always get offended. That is lack of humor. Those jokes are not even personal. But if one gets offended for a joke, that is ridiculous. What GNU community lacks is bunch of jokes. There are too few.