Ruben Safir, le lun. 28 oct. 2019 16:06:04 -0400, a ecrit: > On 10/28/19 2:41 PM, Samuel Thibault wrote: > > Jean Louis, le lun. 28 oct. 2019 21:54:00 +0530, a ecrit: > >> Virgin joke is a joke > > Now that I have read about it, I can definitely say that it is a > > completely inappropriate "joke". Sure, it'll get a lot of people laugh. > > But it'll also get some people not at ease / ashamed, etc., which is > > just in line with that I wrote: > > No it wouldn't. The implication of any reference to human sexuality is > offensive and that is CRAP.
It is not a question of reference to human sexuality only. It is a question of saying that a particular (non-)sexuality status is something that shall be fixed, as if it was shameful. It's the fact that the joke is based the assumption that the person at stake has a problem to be fixed which is an issue. I remember a particularly hilarious talk that was comparing writing software with having sex, and was thus _full_ of sexual references, but didn't contain any question of shame, and thus at worse could make some people go red, but not get offensed. Samuel