You are wrong.

No, it is you Mark who is in the wrong here.  You are clearly
uninterested in having a discussion, and this contiued spreading of
FUD and lies is out of control on your side.

   The FSF holds the resources for the GNU project and has oversight
   responsibility over how those resources are used, which should be in
   accordance with the FSF mission as a charitable organization.

There are plenty of GNU resources that are not managed by the FSF, the
FSF does not dictate how GNU project resources are used.  So this is
patently false.

   A Social Contract or Mission Statement for GNU is necessary as a
   first step for new governance for GNU. It has obviously been
   discussed with Richard, who has said it might be a good idea. But
   he has also been told that discussions about GNU governance should
   be done openly and publicly. His input is certainly welcome. But in
   the end it is the GNU maintainers who ratify it by adopting it for
   their packages.

His input is the only input that matters in the end, since he is the
head of the GNU project.  That you dismiss this is beyond any
reasonable discussion.

   But in the end it is the GNU maintainers who ratify it by adopting
   it for their packages.

Patently false, it is RMS who ratifies changes that are applicable to
the GNU project and nobody else.  Please stop spreading these made up
notions of how the GNU project is governed.

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