* Mark Wielaard <m...@klomp.org> [2020-02-08 10:24]:
> A GNU wiki to support this process was requested by several GNU
> maintainers. So we did ask the FSF to setup a public space for this.
> To have a neutral place for the GNU community as a whole to have a
> public discussion. But they told us that they don't have the resources
> for that. So in good GNU tradition we got together and just setup
> something ourselves. The gnu.tools domain is tools by GNU maintainers
> for GNU maintainers. It is as officially affiliated with the GNU
> project as any other GNU site where GNU volunteers work together. Any
> GNU maintainer can use https://wiki.gnu.tools/ for working documents
> they want to have publicly discussed.

When you say "it is officially affiliated with the GNU project" that
you are misrepresenting GNU project, and making claims that you are
not authorized to make.

Making those misrepresentation is damaging the intentions of the GNU

It is tort of deceit. And indeed you are deceiving people with your
fraudulent misrepresentations. 

Reference: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tort_of_deceit

True facts:

- your website is NOT officially affiliated to GNU

- your website is not unofficially affiliated to GNU

- owners of the website are conducting fraudulent misrepresentations
  of GNU project

Jean Louis

P.S. I am also maintaining domain with "GNU" inside, and we are
publishing on each page that "We are not endorsed by GNU or Free
Software Foundation" -- we just promote GNU operating system and bring
people to it. Website is NOT affiliated to GNU.

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