Svante Signell: don't give me nightmares: I'm a videogame programmer and attorney; not a systems programmer.

Though in the books I've read they atleast gave you more registers in AMD64.

Right now an inflection point exists: if you do the work you can seize the day. Linus has abdicated: the chair is empty. From now on an unhappy amalgom of hirelings of the various corporate contributors will vvy for control of linux; until they kill it. Hackers are not permitted to "contribute": the CoC makes this clear, and was added when Linus was "cancled". That's the point of such social controls: to make it clear to free men (hackers) that they are _not_ wanted.

On 2019-11-13 21:03, Svante Signell wrote:
On Wed, 2019-11-13 at 20:37 +0000, wrote:
Anyway... Hurd needs 64 bit support to take over where Linux has decided
to abdicate.

We are happy to review patches.


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