"Bryan Cebuliak" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> copying new onto old reports then restarting gnucash. Any hints on how
> to get useful log or debugging output here? 

Take a look at the logging functions at src/scm/main.scm:165 .

> In anticipation, why does
> it have to crash? Can this be fixed to allow a more graceful, user
> friendly failure?

Sure, go for it! :)  In particular, check out the error handling shim in
src/app-utils/gfec.c, and where it's called from src/bin/gnucash-bin.c in
`try_load_config_array(...)` and `load_user_config(...)`.

http://asynchronous.org/ - a=jsled; b=asynchronous.org; echo [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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