On Sep 27, 2010, at 4:30 AM, Thomas Bullock wrote:

> Yawar,
> Thanks for jumping on this and making the improvements you mention.  When 
> done, please give me an example of the kind of thing you find so that I can 
> know what to do for the next round.
> For the weekly status statement:  My current task is to complete my notes on 
> the process to make documentation changes.  Several weeks ago, John or Geert 
> asked me to submit those for inclusion in the wiki.  So I will post those 
> next to this list when I have them ready.

Don't post them to the list, add them to the wiki. That's what wikis are for. 
Feel free to compose right in the wiki page; editing is  very easy and it has 
expressive features that aren't available in a word processor (like being able 
to set off code in a context-colored block). You can tell the list where you 
put it when it's done.

John Ralls

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