Hi Tom,

On 2010-09-27, at 07:30, Thomas Bullock wrote:

> Yawar,
> Thanks for jumping on this and making the improvements you mention.  When 
> done, please give me an example of the kind of thing you find so that I can 
> know what to do for the next round.

This morning I realised that the single, revised patch file I posted doesn’t 
make it every easy to see exactly _what_ I changed. Apologies for that–my 
defense is a coffee-addled brain :-) I’m now working on a set of patches that, 
when applied sequentially, will produce the same result; and taken separately, 
will let you easily see exactly what changes I made. It works kind of like 
those layered drawings you’d find in printed encyclopedias of the human 
anatomy, starting with the skeleton, then adding the lymphatic system, muscle 
tissue, skin and eyes, and so forth to get the final human body.

I’ll post the patch sequence here, when it’s done.

> For the weekly status statement:  My current task is to complete my notes on 
> the process to make documentation changes.  Several weeks ago, John or Geert 
> asked me to submit those for inclusion in the wiki.  So I will post those 
> next to this list when I have them ready.

Sounds good.



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