I've been doing my personal finances using spreadsheets for many years now.
I've gotten things down where it's easy now. However, it's hard to get good
data out of it. I needed a real financial program so I turned to gnucash. I
am happy I did. It was challenging to have to learn good accounting
practices, terminology and approaches to finances. The learning experience
itself was worth it and I now feel I can utilize gnucash for my financial
needs.  Thanks a lot to all who've contributed!

Now I have concerns of a technical nature. I have run into so many
usability bugs in the application that I've lost track. I thought, "I'll
see if there's a bug open for this or maybe open a new one." I've even
thought "Well, time learn C again!" I looked through the bug queue and
noticed that lots of the GUI-related bugs were years old. Even things that
should be simple to fix.

In the code I found out about cutecash, a QT-based GUI for gnucash. I ran
into lots of build problems on my machine that I haven't resolved yet (does
it still build?), so I was unable to see it first hand.

However, all of this, taken together, has lead me to believe that gnucash
is due for a GUI transplant. It needs a makeover, if only for the
developer's sake so that it's easy to fix usability bugs qiuckly (which
appears not to be the current case).

What are the current discussions surrounding build a new, modern GUI for
gnucash? Has there been talk about using a different language, other than
C/C++ for the GUI? QT or GTK3?

And to expose my biases a little, my experience is mostly with Python.
Python + Glade has worked well in the past for to create a GUI in a
surprisingly small amount of time. I also use Python at work for mostly
data-related tasks so I know how easy it is do some very cool data work in
Python. Most meta-type of programming can be done well using dictionaries!

I'm wanted to get my feet wet and help, but I feel like trying to work out
all of the GUI problems with the current build of gnucash would be futile.
It seems to me that if a new language/toolkit combo could be found that
most current developers could agree upon, then it would re-ignite interest
in gnucash's usability.

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