
Jon Daley <gnuc...@jon.limedaley.com> writes:

> On Wed, 9 Aug 2017, Derek Atkins wrote:
>> All the solutions I know about are for multiple instances in the same
>> data center.  I have no idea how to do it in a globally distributed
>> manner.
> Failover can be setup via DNS, to ping/check a host and then swap IPs
> if the first host doesn't respond, and theb you can decide what you
> want to do when the first host comes back up, probably auto-switching
> back is harder to setup due to changes that happen on the second
> server while thw first is down.
> dnsmadeeasy.com has the cheapest (and actually best) service for this
> (as well as other things - I've used them commercially for ten years
> or so, and had almost no issues.

Right now Linas runs our DNS service.  I suspect we would have to do an
akamai-like www.gnucash.org CNAME www.gnucash.dnsmadeeasy.com or
some-such to get the load-balancing working.  I'm not sure I really want
a third-party out of our control to be able to repoint our services.

> But, for gnucash, I'd think you don't really need a high availability
> solution like this.  I'd expect good backups to be good enough,
> particularly if it is a virtual server that can be spun back up from
> the backup.  But, even real hardware is probably good enough - there
> probably aren't that many urgent requests that come that can't wait a
> day or two. And DNS could always be manually changed in the worst
> case.

Backups for www are easy -- the website is completely in GIT.
Backups for code are harder, but I have a nightly backup to another
system, but it's still local to my network.
Neither of these are "decent" for disaster recovery.

> All that said, if you want to go that route, I have experience with
> this and can spend time or at least recommend software options.

I think we would first need to decide what we actually want/need, and
then we can look at what we have and determine what steps will be
necessary to take what we have and get what we want/need.

I don't think we've fully analyzed the first step, yet, even though
we're talking about the second.


       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL: http://web.mit.edu/warlord/    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
       warl...@mit.edu                        PGP key available
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