On 10 October 2017 at 15:15, Carsten Rinke <carsten.ri...@gmx.de> wrote:

> Hi Ben,
> what do you mean by machine specific?
> If you transfer your gnucash data file between machines, I thought it
> should also possible to transfer the saved-reports-2.x file between the
> machines.

It probably is, but it's not trivial.  The data file is saved to an
arbitrary location, which can easily be some sort of shared media.  The
saved reports get saved... somewhere... by the application, and that
somewhere is very likely platform-specific, and doesn't seem to be
configurable.  Add to that the documentation about where GnuCash saves
certain state files seems to be out of date (at least for the Mac) and it's
enough to make the saved reports files less portable just because they're
that much more difficult to find.
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