Hi Adrien,

> How does first day of the week affect reports in GnuCash? The only report I 
> can think of that might be an issue is the Expenses/Income vs. Day of the 
> week, but each day is reported separately, though Sunday is listed first in 
> the key, it is a pie chart. All other date selections I can find are based on 
> month or longer, or use specific dates. (do some reports give weekly 
> subtotals for example? I haven’t seen or used that yet)

  The main issue for us is a report we use to keep track of our income work. It 
reports the amount billed in the current week and each of the weeks since the 
beginning of the previous month. Each of those weeks starts on GnuCash's 
default week-starting day rather than the day we would like to start on. I set 
this up with a simple transaction report by setting the date range to run from 
the "start of previous month" to "today". I then set the primary sort key to 
"Date" and the primary subtotal for date key to "Weekly". If there is a way to 
get this level of granularity to start on a different day, I would like to hear 
about it.

> And please report any issues you find. While previous reports may not have 
> received attention (yet) that does not mean some other issue won’t. It might 
> be that someone else with developer skills and time might jump in and fix one 
> or two. One issue may shed light on others. A discussion may ensue on how to 
> address the issue for when it is actually fixed. So reporting isn’t a waste 
> of time even if they don’t get fixed right away. (or even for an extended 
> period)

  I'm sorry, but (as I said) I have a lot on my plate. Spending the time to 
write up clear bug reports that probably won't be looked at for years and 
certainly won't be addressed any time soon does not seem like a good investment 
at this time.


> On Aug 12, 2019, at 5:22 PM, Adrien Monteleone 
> <adrien.montele...@lusfiber.net> wrote:
> John,
> Thanks for the insights.
> How does first day of the week affect reports in GnuCash? The only report I 
> can think of that might be an issue is the Expenses/Income vs. Day of the 
> week, but each day is reported separately, though Sunday is listed first in 
> the key, it is a pie chart. All other date selections I can find are based on 
> month or longer, or use specific dates. (do some reports give weekly 
> subtotals for example? I haven’t seen or used that yet)
> I didn’t think about the date picker as I always enter my dates manually, but 
> certainly, I can see how that could be annoying.
> Certainly, the software should be able to match your life. You shouldn’t have 
> to change to work around a bug.
> And please report any issues you find. While previous reports may not have 
> received attention (yet) that does not mean some other issue won’t. It might 
> be that someone else with developer skills and time might jump in and fix one 
> or two. One issue may shed light on others. A discussion may ensue on how to 
> address the issue for when it is actually fixed. So reporting isn’t a waste 
> of time even if they don’t get fixed right away. (or even for an extended 
> period)
> I know some calendar issues were looked at in the move to 3.x. Perhaps one of 
> the devs familiar with this part of the code might take a look or chime in. 
> There might be a good reason why this is still an issue.
> Regards,
> Adrien
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